HVAC Maintenance

Do you need to have an HVAC system maintenance check? After all, you might have a system that’s only a year or two old. And even if your HVAC system is several years old, it seems to be running just fine.

HVAC systems, however, do need regular maintenance. Think of it this way. Imagine you bought a brand-new car. You spent a lot of money on it. Would you ignore regular checkups and all the service maintenance required? Probably not. If your vehicle is older and you want to keep it on the road and working efficiently longer, regular maintenance and checkups are musts.

It’s the same with an HVAC system. If you invested in a newer heating or cooling unit, you want to make sure it’s working efficiently, and that you’re getting value for the money you paid for it. If your HVAC system is nearing the end of its 10- to 15-year average lifespan, but you have no plans to buy a newer one, it is essential to get your older system serviced regularly.